Quarterly Baal Satsang in English

🌷जैसे जल के बूँद को, कर छूते लग जाय।
🌷अविद्या ब्रम्ह ज्ञान से, त्यों विलीन होय जाय॥

Sansakaras can only be passed through the generation by giving kids the opportunity to practice them. Baal Satsang does that magic to our young energy.
Just like water droplet💧 dissolves upon touching by the hand, the darkness of ignorance similarly vanishes upon the touch of the enlightening Bramhvidya.

Happy & Healthy kids are all we want. Spiritual light brings happiness to the kids. Kids develop positive behavior and feel an abundance of joy with a calm mind. Satsang is a catalyst to nurture and guide the little minds to live life with full potential.

Please join Weekly Baal Meditation
Time: Every Monday @7:35pm EST
** For bridgeline details please contact us

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Previous Satsang Recordings


Baal Sandesh Magazine

Author: Vihangam Yoga
Language: English
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Baal Siksha Part 2 (Teachings for Kid -Part 2)

Author: Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj
Language: Hindi
Read Book