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योग न वाणी से बने, योग न आसन साध | योग न प्राणायाम है, कुम्भक विविध न साध || 5.1.14 Yōga na vāṇī sē banē, yōga na āsana sādha | Yōga na prāṇāyāma hai, kumbhaka vividha na sādha ||5.1.14 Purport: The ultimate state of “Yog” is not the subject of speech, nor it is based on…

पुरूष नित्य गुरू नित्य है, नित्य योग गम ज्ञान | सृिष्ट प्रवाह अनादि है, महिमा योग महान || 5.1.12 Purūṣa nitya gurū nitya hai, nitya yōga gama jñāna | Sr̥ṣṭi pravāha anādi hai, mahimā yōga mahāna || 5.1.12 Purport: Supreme being is eternal, Sadguru is eternal, so is the true yoga, eternal and one through which…

इन्द्रिय मन चित स्थिर, उदय न अर्थ विकार | सहज स्वभाविक धर्म है, शांति परम सुख सार ||05.06.35 Indriya mana cita sthira, udaya na artha vikāra | Sahaja svabhāvika dharma hai, śānti parama sukha sāra || 05.06.35 || Purport: When Indriya, mind and chitta all come to complete rest,  thoughts of subjects of Indriya cease…

योग अनेको बन गये, यह मनमथ परपञ्च | योग एक प्रभु मिलन का, और योग नहिं रञ्च ||05.01.08 Yōga anēkōṁ bana gayē, yaha manamatha parapañca | Yōga ēka prabhu milana kā, aura yōga nahiṁ rañca ||05.01.08 Purport: Yoga has perverted today into all different varieties. They have all taken shape in the figment of human…

It is generally said that serving the mankind is one of the best ways to serve the Almighty one, God. Many philanthropists and elevated souls who have acquired proficiency in business, arts, science & technology, medicine etc. try to serve the mankind through research work, building schools, hospitals, donations and other such activities to help…

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