This means, Wake up and find out the Spiritual Master i.e. the Sadguru and learn the science of spirituality! The path is esoteric. In this age, we are indeed fortunate to have such a great soul in human form who has proclaimed that he will alleviate the sufferings of mankind by propagating the yogic technique known as “Vihangam Yoga”. This is also known as “Brahm Vidya” or “Para Vidya”. This knowledge of Vihangam Yoga has been revived by Maharshi Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj after a long penance of 17 years in the caves of Himalayas. For the truth seekers, the best way to serve the mankind is to serve the “Sadguru” by propagating the esoteric knowledge of ‘Vihangam Yoga’. Maharshi Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj has created an epic of spiritual knowledge known as “Swarved” which is a priceless guide to all truth seekers. He states in one of the verses of “Swarved”,“Utthisht jagrita prapya varanna bodhit Chhurasya dhara nishita durtyya durgam pathasthkavya”
For the propagators and devotees, nothing is impossible and they can experience the ultimate bliss and get rid of the birth and death cycle as stated in the following couplet:Seva uttam guna rahe, sarva ratan gun khan
Chetrum trin vatika, avamaave gun gyan n
(Swarved – 5-5-19)
A person without the knowledge of Brahm Vidya remains confused and unhappy as he does not know his goal. Religious activities and worshiping must have given him short time solace but the real happiness will elude him. He has to follow the spiritual path which our sages and seers have shown. The virtues like devotion, self surrendering humility and servitude are to be inculcated within oneself for this purpose. The seekers of truth must culture the attitude of service with complete devotion and faith in the Sadguru. This will not only help in overcoming their suffering but also that of the whole mankind who are blessed by the Sadguru.“Sevajit uttirna ko, vishwa alabhya na hoye,
Mukti tahi peeche phirey, Sadguru sevak soye”
The ideal way to serve the mankind is to take a resolution, that of serving the Sadguru and serving the mankind by contributing in the propagation of the ancient knowledge of Vi hang am Yoga so that the message of true wisdom reaches out to one and all.The Swarved further states:
“Sevya bhaav sevak rahe, utare bhav nidhi paar,
Anya bharam sansar mein, soojhe var na paar”