Swarved doha :
Abhimaani abhimaan mei, guru se chaahat maan |
Chauraasi bhatkat phirai, janm keet kur shwaan ||
Dhanmad balmad jaatimad, vidyamad sab tyaag |
Tab maanav jeevan banei, sant charan anuraag ||
(abhimaani abhimaan mei): An arrogant in arrogance
(guru se chaahat maan): wishes for praise from the Guru
(chauraasi bhatkat phirai): revolves in the cycle of life and death in 84 lac species
(Janm keet kur shwaan): by taking birth in species like insect and dog.
Where a disciple should drop ego, surrender and wish for peace at the holy feet of Sadguru, an arrogant rather wishes for the praise from the Guru. Such arrogance and desire of praise lead the arrogant to the cycle of life and death in species like insect and dog.
(Dhanmad) the arrogance of wealth,
(balmad) the arrogance of power,
(jaatimad) the arrogance of gene/cast/creed,
(vidyamad) the arrogance of knowledge,
(sab tyaag) relinquish all
(tab maanav jeevan banei) then human being evolves as human;
(sant charan anuraag) with the love for Saints.
After relinquishing the arrogance for wealth, power, cast and knowledge when one inclines towards surrendering at the feet of holy Saint, then begins the rise of human values in life.
Shabd Prakash Bhajan – 72
Guru bina bharmataa sab koi
Karma phaanse jagat phaansa, yoni bharmat loya |
Guru bina nahi brahma darsai, durlabh tanu ge vigoya ||
Baahar mithyaa kaah khojo, ghat hee vyaapak soya |
Sodhi chakra gagan jaawo, meru dandat joya ||
Bajra pol udhaari dekho, makar taar samoya |
Param jyoti dhaay meelo, maila mann ki dhoya ||
Jaise nadiya samudra paayo, dwaita naamhi khoya |
Waise jeevhi brahma paayo, roop ekahi hoya ||
Paanch pachiso teen chhutaa, naahi garbhe roya |
Kahai sadafal param pad ko, paayi hai jan koya ||
Without the technique from a true Sadguru, all wander ignorantly and continue to remain caught in the trap of Karma and suffer. Without the blessings and secrets from Sadguru, one cannot ever realize God. The valuable human life vanishes without realizing its true goal. The bhajan further describes the steps of God realization and says.. Why do you search God outside. It can be realized inside. Blossom all eight chakras and raise consciousness upward through the spinal cord. The last door of physicality, the tenth door which is closed by Kundalini needs to be opened. It is then the thread called Makartaar connecting soul with Almighty, is seen passing through the tenth door. Now, cleansing all impurities of mind, raise the consciousness of your pure soul towards almighty and unite. In this union of soul and supreme almighty, soul acquires all properties of Lord and integrates similar to a river integrating into an ocean. Such divine soul is now free from the cycle of life and death. Sadguru Sadafaldeo ji maharaj says that such a divine height is attained only by a rare gem disciple.
Guru Vandana:
Guru Shishya hum prabhu ki sharan mei, bhakti apni deejiye |
Shighra prakrit traiy guno ko, door humse keejiye ||
Shishya Guru mei prem shanti, harsh vishwa udhaar mei |
Yog vidya neeti bal ho, vitt bal upkaar mei ||
(Guru shishya hum prabhu ki sharan mei) O Lord! We both- the Guru and disciple are in your shelter
(Bhakti Apni deejiye) You please bestow us the quality of devotion-an unbroken love for you.
(Shighra prakrit traiy guno ko) as quickly as possible, all the three properties of Prakriti – Sat, raj and tam
(door humse keejiye) seprate me from them
O lord! Guru and disciple both are at your shelter. Please bestow us with the quality of devotion-an unbroken love for you. Please raise me above the influence of all attributes of Prakriti – Sat, raj and tam as soon as possible.
(Shishya Guru mei prem shanti) May the peace and love always stay intact between Guru and disciple
(harsh vishwa udhaar mei) feel joyous in the benovelence of the world.
(yog vidya neeti bal ho) May we grow in the power of ‘wisdom of yog’, policies
(vitt bal upkaar mei) and wealth; which be utilized in benevolence.
May the relation between Guru and disciple be always of Love and peace. Both continue to feel joyous in helping all the living beings of the world. May we both obtain the power of yog, policies, and wealth and all these be utilized in benevolence.