Welcome to 21 days chanting session. This session is for your benefit. Just a little preparation from your side will maximize the benefit of this session. Can we make sure: 1. we are at a quiet place. We are sitting very comfortably with stable body. 2. we are going to keep our mind 100% with…
Welcome to 21 days chanting session. This session is for your benefit. Just a little preparation from your side will maximize the benefit of this session. Can we make sure: 1. we are in a quiet place. We are sitting very comfortably with a stable body. 2. we are going to keep our mind 100% with chanting for the purification. Alright! What makes human beings special from animals are its 10 special human qualities called Human-Dharma: The patience, The forgiveness Control over Indriyas, purity, wisdom, the developed intellect, the Truth, No anger, etc…
Welcome to 21 days chanting session. This session is for your benefit. Just a little preparation from your side will maximize the benefit of this session. Can we make sure: 1. we are in a quiet place. We are sitting very comfortably with a stable body. 2. we are going to keep our mind 100%…
Welcome to 21 days chanting session. This session is for your benefit. Just a little preparation from your side will maximize the benefit of this session. Can we make sure: 1. we are in a quiet place. We are sitting very comfortably with a stable body. 2. we are going to keep our mind 100%…
Welcome to 21 days chanting session. This session is for your benefit. Just a little preparation from your side will maximize the benefit of this session. Can we make sure: 1. we are in a quiet place. We are sitting very comfortably with a stable body. 2. we are going to keep our mind 100%…
Iksha gyaan prayatna hai, chinha so chetan jaan | Jaa mah tin yah nahin dishei, ta kah jad kari maan || Word Meaning: (nahin dishei) not seen (chetan) conscious (Jad) inert Purport: The differentiator of a live body and a mechanical body is the consciousness. It is the consciousness that triggers desire and action. The…
Ek sakal skambh hai, ek chalawan haar| Badh mukta tatva ek hai, ek chhorawan haar|| Swarveda 01-01-09 Purport: The four conscious eternal entities that Swarveda describes about are: Supreme Being (God – sakal skambh) : The base of everything that exists. Akshar Brahma (Cosmic Executor – chalawan haar): The one – who creates, sustains and…
The human life is precious. Not only it has got the most developed intellect, but it is also equipped with the tools for the spiritual growth of the soul. Growth means progress hence the spiritual growth would relate to the progress in the spiritual path. Any progress can be understood only with respect to the…
The universe is filled with inert and conscious elements. With the organs of the gross body, we are able to experience inert objects however the conscious entities remain hidden from the gross organs of the body. There are infinite numbers of things happening in this universe. Surprisingly behind every action, there is a conscious entity…
योग न वाणी से बने, योग न आसन साध | योग न प्राणायाम है, कुम्भक विविध न साध || 5.1.14 Yōga na vāṇī sē banē, yōga na āsana sādha | Yōga na prāṇāyāma hai, kumbhaka vividha na sādha ||5.1.14 Purport: The ultimate state of “Yog” is not the subject of speech, nor it is based on…