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Welcome to 21 days chanting session. This session is for your benefit. Just a little preparation from your side will maximize the benefit of this session. Can we make sure:
1. we are in a quiet place. We are sitting very comfortably with a stable body.
2. we are going to keep our mind 100% with chanting for the purification.

Alright! Today is the 21th day of transformation. And today is the birth anniversary of Sant Shree Vigyandeo Ji Maharaj and I bow down to him. The chanting theme for today is Bhakti. Bhakti is a fine thread of ‘Prem’ or ‘devotional-love’ that binds the soul of a devotee with the lotus feet of the Lord. Bhakti is intense devotion and supreme attachment to God. This higher feeling of devotion is indescribable in words. It can only be experienced something like ‘being-in- that-state’. Let us begin the purification session with the swarved chanting.

Swarved Chanting

प्रेम निरन्तर निरतिशय, पूर्ण सदा निष्काम |
अब अनन्य प्रभु शरण में, भक्ति परम तत्त्व नाम || 5-13-1 ||
Prēma nirantara niratiśaya, pūrṇa sadā niṣkāma |
Aba anan’ya prabhu śaraṇa mēṁ, bhakti parama tattva nāma || 5-13-1 ||

जड़ माया को त्याग कर, निराधार उत्थान |
आतम ऊर्ध्व प्रवाह में, भक्ति महासुख खान || 5-13-2 ||
Jaṛa māyā kō tyāga kara, nirādhāra ut’thāna |
Ātama ūrdhva pravāha mēṁ, bhakti mahāsukha khāna || 5-13-2 ||

आत्मप्रभा चल प्रकृति में, कर्म होय अज्ञान |
शुद्ध प्रभा निःशब्द में, भक्ति परम विज्ञान || 5-13-3 ||
Ātmaprabhā cala prakr̥ti mēṁ, karma hōya ajñāna |
Śud’dha prabhā niḥśabda mēṁ, bhakti parama vijñāna || 5-13-3 ||

आत्मचेतना प्रकृति वह, कारण संसृत होय |
आत्मधार अन्तर कशा, भक्ति मुक्ति पद होय || 5-13-4 ||
Ātmacētanā prakr̥ti vaha, kāraṇa sansr̥ta hōya |
Ātmadhāra antara kaśā, bhakti mukti pada hōya || 5-13-4 ||

एक कर्म अरू भक्ति है, यह समझब अज्ञान |
बोधहीन दलदल फँसे, कर्म भक्ति दो ज्ञान || 5-13-5 ||
Ēka karma arū bhakti hai, yaha samajhaba ajñāna |
Bōdhahīna daladala pham̐sē, karma bhakti dō jñāna || 5-13-5 ||

कहाँ कर्म बन्धन करे, कहाँ भक्ति सुख दान |
अन्तर लगन सनेह है, भक्ति है जीवन प्रान || 5-13-6 ||
Kahām̐ karma bandhana karē, kahām̐ bhakti sukha dāna |
Antara lagana sanēha hai, bhakti hai jīvana prāna || 5-13-6 ||

A disciple is said to be truly devoted when he/she completely surrendered towards almighty without any expectations. The Soul is absorbed in bhakti or devotion when it frees itself from illusions of the materialistic world. Outward follow of soul’s conscious energy into the materialistic world leads to karma. Karma traps the soul in a cycle of life and death. With sadguru’s help, when the soul learns to use consciousness to experiences almighty, true bhakti happens. True bhakti leads to salvation. Therefore, it is ignorance to consider bhakti and karma to be the same.

Concluding Message

These 21 days of chanting therapy is dedicated to the birth anniversary celebration of his holiness Sant Pravar Sri Vigyandeo ji Maharaj- The divine message for today is –What is Vihangam Yog??

 A Perfection of Meditation
 A Science of Mind Control
 A Knowledge of Reunion With God

Here Sant Pravar Shri Vigyan Dev Ji Maharaj, explains what Vihangam Yoga is. It is the complete science of Spirituality. Vihangam Yoga teaches the secret knowledge which helps a soul to reunite with Supreme soul. It is the perfect science to control our mind and not just control but dissolve from where it originates.

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